Open ERP说很烂的中文吗?我们来教她
Hi folks,
Sorry for posting this article in English. Nevertheless, this is a translation discussion forum any way . Even though you are free to speak the language you are comfort with, I encourage you to post here in English. I knew many of you, like me, would always like to improve our English. Is there any better way than intensely involving into a great translation project like this. So for guys who are shy with their poor English,[b] be[/b] [b]brave[/b], roll you sleeves, and shout, [b]COUNT ME IN[/b].
Here, I'm with pleasure to introduce you Jeroen Vet (bhikkhu), who is good both in English and Chinese and contribute many great ideas to improve OpenERP language interface. ( You may follow his recent discussion ) The implementation of the forum section is under his suggestion too. He will be the guy to lead us to improve Open ERP's Chinese translation. For guys who want to improve your English, buzz him
You must be anxious to join now. Well, please do the following:
- register an account at and go to and and click the 'Join team' button at the right hand side.
- The Chinese translation on launchpad locates at:
- If you find any ambiguous term, please raise a discussion here,
- once the term gets clear for you, please update our glossary here:
Hi everybody,
First of all let me thank digitalsatori for his kind introductory words and for all his efforts to keep this nice platform running, promote OpenERP and Open Source software in China.
I am a Dutch national who has been living in China for more than 15 years already and am enjoying it very much. I speak, read and to a lesser extent write Chinese. Although my command of the language is not perfect (it is a difficult language for a foreigner) I think I can make a contribution to the effort of translating the interface as I am usually able to spot translations that are not quite right. I would like to thank whoever was responsible to commission which was a big effort indeed. Although the quality of the latest version is reasonable we need to put it on so that it is available to everybody and weed through it as there are still quite some mistakes. Part of the mistakes are due to the fact that the original English is often not so clear. OpenERP has been written mostly by French speaking Belgians and their command of English is not perfect. Another part of the mistakes probably came about because the translators do not fully understand the software so they don't know the context very well.
Fortunately, the Launchpad Translations platform offers a very convenient way to contribute to a better translation and a good translation is absolutely crucial for acceptance of the system in China. I would like to invite everybody to start making their contribution after perhaps discussing terms right here.
The modules I have put on Launchpad and "weeded through" or tried to improve so far are:-
at the moment I a working on module . In the mean time I will keep updating the on the Wiki of this site. I would very much appreciate feedback on the translations of these modules. Of course you can also work on one of the other modules and perhaps you can let us know which module you are working on.
Looking forward to engage in active exchange with you all!
P.S. Contributions in Chinese to this forum also very much welcome!
建议朋友们在这里一次认领一到两个模块进行翻译。 翻译的程序建议如下:
[list type=decimal][li]在本地安装好openerp系统,加载自己要翻译的模块,下载并导入 [/li][li]将要翻译的模块的语言导出,并上传到launchpad的对应模块, 在此基础上进行翻译[/li][li]可以在这个版块中请求其他朋友来校对你的翻译[/li][/list]我先认领下面几个模块:
[list][li] [/li][li] [/li][li] [/li][/list][url=http]
[/url] -
导不出来。 说:
[b]An unknown error has been reported.
[/b][b]You do not have a valid Open ERP maintenance contract ![/b]
If you are using Open ERP in production, it is highly suggested to subscribe
a maintenance program.The Open ERP maintenance contract provides you a bugfix guarantee and an
automatic migration system so that we can fix your problems within a few
hours. If you had a maintenance contract, this error would have been sent
to the quality team of the Open ERP editor.The maintenance program offers you:
- Automatic migrations on new versions,
- A bugfix guarantee,
- Monthly announces of potential bugs and their fixes,
- Security alerts by email and automatic migration,
- Access to the customer portal.
You can use the link bellow for more information. The detail of the error
is displayed on the second tab.注明我导的是account模块
[[i] 本帖最后由 coldfire 于 2009-11-18 15:46 编辑 [/i]]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/", line 244, in dispatch
result = LocalService(service_name)(method, *params)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/", line 73, in call
return getattr(self, method)(*params)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/service/", line 583, in execute
res = service.execute(db, uid, object, method, *args)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/osv/", line 59, in wrapper
return f(self, dbname, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/osv/", line 118, in execute
res = pool.execute_cr(cr, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/osv/", line 110, in execute_cr
return getattr(object, method)(cr, uid, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/addons/base/module/wizard/", line 53, in act_getfile
tools.trans_export(this.lang, mods, buf, this.format, dbname=cr.dbname)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/tools/", line 330, in trans_export
trans = trans_generate(lang, modules, dbname)
File "/usr/lib/openerp-server/tools/", line 525, in trans_generate
d = etree.XML()(xmlstr)
File "lxml.etree.pyx", line 2400, in lxml.etree.XML (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:23723) -
@coldfire 不好意思刚刚看到关于你导出语言文件出错的帖子,好象错误信息不完整,也不知道你用的是什么版本,运行在什么平台上。
为什么这样因为现在还没做到"谁用谁参与完善"这驱使我用现在的方式,想要翻译,劳驾你参与完善.但我们太没自觉性了,"发帖"是我在qq和msn说的最多的话.[[i] 本帖最后由 simon 于 2009-11-20 20:52 编辑 [/i]]
digitalsatori 对翻译问题我不想和你争论.按你的看到的,翻译是经过很多人的努力.按我做过的工作,就是"我翻译的". 那也不表示什么,既然不喜欢这说法,我以后不说,但我更喜欢做,更关心成果.
我和wjf的做法是:谁用谁参与完善, 并能保证这想法能实现.
最后一次在帖中解释翻译为什么要用现在的运行办法, 我希望以后是实际问题.
[[i] 本帖最后由 simon 于 2009-11-21 15:07 编辑 [/i]]
[list type=decimal][li]已经完成的工作[/li][li]正在进行中的工作[list][li]进度情况[/li][li]协作方式[/li][/list][/li][li]未来发展思路[/li][/list]不使用论坛的原因是,论坛的信息很散乱,很难检索,阅读。并且信息不稳定,相关作者可以随时修改,无法跟踪其修改历史。论坛只作为沟通手段。成型的东西全部有相关负责人公布到网页上。这样的话,新加入的人会很容易跟上进度。毕竟我们需要越多越好的陌生人加入进来,哪怕他只帮忙翻译了一个单词,但我们希望这个单词是我们没有翻译过的。是吧,别让人家出了力才发现白忙活那就不好了。
[[i] 本帖最后由 coldfire 于 2009-11-21 17:20 编辑 [/i]]
[quote]原帖由 [i]simon[/i] 于 2009-11-21 10:38 发表
我和wjf的做法是:谁用谁参与完善, 并能保证这想法能实现.最后一次在帖中解释翻译为什么要用现在的运行办法, 我希望以后是实际问题.
[/quote][list type=decimal][li]谁用谁完善,没错,问题是[color=black][b]怎么[/b][/color]完善?本地修改?在线修改?使用什么平台?google? launchpad?[/li][li]现在运行的方法不止一个,这个问题还没解决,到不了实际问题。[/li][li]最好不要用“最后一次”这样的词[/li][/list]